Crucially, since the new policy does not delineate what it means for states to be "in compliance" with the nonproliferation treaty, the United states has a major loophole.
It is now estimated that in many cases a majority of treatmentfailures are due to lack of patient compliance with the prescribed medicalintervention (from taking pills to following recommended diet).
Enterprise architecture (EA) in most it organizations is viewed as a mechanism to achieve compliance and alignment with business needs.
在大多数it企业中,企业架构(Enterprise architecture,简称EA)被当作实现合规以及与业务对齐的一种机制。
First, it promotes interoperability in compliance with the Web Service interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile 1.0.
首先,它促进了符合Web服务互操作性(WS - I)基本概要1.0的互操作性。
It organizations working in an environment with compliance requirements must to be able to document that they have designed, implemented, and tested the application in accordance with these standards.
If any proprietary process flow or workflow layer is used, check whether it is in compliance with BPEL standards by porting to external BPEL design tools and runtime engines.
Are proper controls in place to balance security, modifiability, and compliance with it and other standards?
The governance body is empowered with the responsibility of developing it policies and oversees its compliance in the business applications that are designed and implemented.
It is also interesting to see how that Neolithic-age fresco is in compliance with today's architectural trends.
It clears up simple ambiguities in the current standards and enforces a particular transport, type system, and encoding for compliance with the profile.
Kroes pointed out that, during the protracted negotiations with Microsoft over compliance in the past few years, it had four times promised to change its behaviour.
We will supply Venezuela with the types of arms it asks for, acting in compliance with our international obligations.
Thus, it can capture (in an operational sense), monitor, log, and signal non - compliance with nonfunctional requirements that relate to the service qualities.
We believe that it is correct that Shell [Nigeria] fund the study, as this is in compliance with the internationally accepted norm of the 'polluter pays'.
It is the final stage gate in auditing a release's compliance with development standards.
For compliance with the UML specification, formal and actual gates are supported in Sequence diagrams, and it is possible to have the Package as the root element.
It is provided in an XHTML script element, which you can embed in any arbitrary XML, as far as Firefox is concerned (you might run into separate problems with schema compliance, of course).
It is of utmost importance that the ophthalmologist gains the parents' trust, which will then result in better compliance with the therapy prescribed.
WEISH soft membrane Ceiling enjoys obvious advantage when it comes to environmental protection. It is in complete compliance with all testing standards both of Europe and China.
It is important to drive in compliance with the traffic laws.
It was done in compliance with your wish.
It is important that Series 719 be tested periodically in compliance with local codes, but at least once a year or more often depending upon system conditions.
If a handbook already exists, be certain that it is in compliance with federal and state regulations and that the policies and the way they are written are in the best interests of the company.
The robot arm actuated by pneumatic muscles is one kind of the robot arm with good compliance and it is superior to other robot arms in some cases.
Compliance by the Company with this authorization will discharge it from all liability in respect of dividends so paid.
UBS AG takes compliance with laws and regulations of every market in which it operates extremely seriously, and always strives to operate in accordance with best business practices.
The experiment result has shown that the control strategy of the brake test bench works well, and it is in full compliance with the control requirements.
It will become effective one year from publication in the Federal Register, with additional time before compliance is required for contracts with service providers.
It will become effective one year from publication in the Federal Register, with additional time before compliance is required for contracts with service providers.