Self-awareness, even in its earliest stages, might entail an awareness of others, the ability to see their perspective, to look at the world from another's point of view.
In the WIANA and NoCatAuth initiatives, it is the backbone of the initiatives due to the ability of user customization right at the operating system; that is, at the access point level.
It's fair to say that from an object modeler's point of view, the ability to model types in is-a terms is the heart of what object-orientation is about.
从对象建模程序的角度公平地讲,按照is - a模拟类型的能力就是面向对象的本质。
It's the first time that scientists have shown hints of empathy - the ability to feel someone's pain or see their point of view - in a bird.
The main gain of hot backup is the ability to recover to the point in time where the system last became unavailable.
An example of this is in JET's ability to use camelcase in XPath expressions by extending this extension point (see the CamelCaseFunction in the JET source code).
And the sudden spate of new results mark an acceleration, and perhaps a turning point, in the ability to find disease genes, the long-promised payoff from the human genome project that began in 1989.
Next comes communication, or the ability to express your point of view in an effective way, she says.
The key point in their favour, in my opinion, is their ability to meet deadlines for the duration of a long-term contract.
Form my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one's ability, being crazy in getting certificates blindly.
If there is any secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's Angle as well as from your own.
It has been realized that the key point of modern bank system is the corporate governance, and it decides the competitiveness in market and the ability to resist the risk.
In the process of optimization, the method has the ability of escaping from the local minimized point and arriving at the global optimal point by setting an escaping coefficient.
It is a generation that believes in its own ability to make changes, to the point of overconfidence.
So, what is the infant reading, and how to develop the infant reading ability in family is the key point of this topic research.
Owing to its high tech content and unique flight ability, helicopter is playing a more and more important role in the construction of national economy, and becoming a new economic increase point.
The sudden spate of new genes marks an acceleration, and perhaps a turning point, in the ability to find disease genes, the long promised payoff from the human genome project that began in 1989.
To cultivate the critical thinking ability of nursing student has been a hot point in clinical teaching.
The thesis holds the point that the principal methods in improving the risk management ability of our state-owned Banks are to perfect the system, the internal rectification and external supervision.
The Toyota blood making and Donating car has the ability with the use of water and food to create blood artificially, store it and donate it to anyone who needs blood at any given point in time.
And point out the special effect on raising the students' level of cognition and comprehensive quality in the fostering of creative thinking ability of physics.
In his paper, Dr. Taylor stated, "The ability of individuals to function (as soldiers) could be degraded to such a point that would be combat ineffective."
In this article the bearing ability test of hard gear face point-line meshing gear transmission and the trial of noise test are introduced.
The social capital analysis of the tiny view level is an ability to point individual ego transfer the resources through the net work, this is also a social capital Angle in familiar analysis.
Advanced: Suitable for the trainees who has the better ability. The point is to improve the use of English in working and business activities, make future improvement on certain aspects.
Fluency in a second language cultivates an ability to put oneself in another point of view.
While The Sixth Sense does have ghosts in it and the lead character, Cole (Haley Joel Osment) has the ability to see ghosts, that isn't the point of this movie.
While The Sixth Sense does have ghosts in it and the lead character, Cole (Haley Joel Osment) has the ability to see ghosts, that isn't the point of this movie.