Often, the relevant sentences or clauses are buried in long forum posts, blogs, or open-ended replies in stacks of questionnaires.
We were all poor though we had stacks and stacks of as good pictures as anybody in Europe painted.
Most recognizable of the ship designs are the ship's smoke stacks, but the fourth stack was actually just artistic in nature and served no functional purpose.
Inside, they found stacks of wood for a boat similar to one excavated from a nearby pit in 1958.
And the bulk of the public record is no longer to be found in library stacks, dusty courthouse files, and microfilm rolls.
The black lines flowing between the stacks in the figures below represent flow of security context not information flow.
Count the number of thread stacks in the process.
In your computer science classes, you learned about different types of lists: arrays, hash maps, linked lists, stacks, queues, and so on.
In a running process, the number of thread stacks is equal to the number of thread bodies in the process.
For example, the explanation of stacks and register frames in Chapter 6 connected with Chapter 4's explanation of variable scope.
Delivery of an image in this manner minimizes the cost and complexity of the installation, configuration, and maintenance of running complex stacks of software.
Sea stacks, like this one shaped like the prow of a ship in Cape Kiwanda State Park, Oregon, are chunks of isolated rock resistant to erosion.
“We discovered that over a ten-year period boys’ voices were breaking around four months earlier, ” Juul says, surrounded by precarious stacks of research papers and medical journals in his office.
The matching percentage is determined by the number of functions the stacks have in common divided by the average number of functions in the stacks.
The two stacks also differ in terms of how the client code uses WSDL service definitions.
In such a case, the state of the stack of stacks data structure is similar to Figure 4.
I miss leisurely perusing the vitamin aisle, the stacks of fresh brown rice sushi, the mysterious cookies made in some dude's garage in Santa Cruz.
In this section, I'll summarize the current state of the three stacks with respect to the testing I did for these articles.
The ability to tie each object to an element in the stack of stacks data structure
The Apache CXF web services stack builds on some of the same technologies as the Apache Axis2 and Metro stacks discussed in earlier articles of this series.
Another issue to be aware of is a thread floating stack limitation on Linux, as discussed in the "floating Stacks limitation" subsection of the JVM Diagnostics Guide.
Spreadsheet sheet 4, "Stacks", calculates the availability of a stack where every element must be available in order for the entire stack to be available.
In today's complex system stacks, performance issues may occur in many different parts of the system.
Both of these specifications allow SOAP stacks to push this problem down to a lower level, in particular, to the middleware layer.
I found it in the stacks of the library of the college I work at in Doha, Qatar.
They start as part of a headland or sea cliff connected to land. Smashing waves erode the softer rock, leaving harder rock behind in the form of sea stacks.
This option in particular demonstrates how the event iterator-based API stacks (no pun intended) on top of the cursor-based API.
This option in particular demonstrates how the event iterator-based API stacks (no pun intended) on top of the cursor-based API.