He will hide me in the hiding place of His tent; he will raise me up upon a rock.
About how long had Anne and her family been in the hiding place when she wrote this part of her diary?
She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place, because she was concerned about whether they would be discovered.
Kids, families, and people of all ages are taking part in painting rocks, hiding rocks, and finding painted rocks all over the place.
Never leave a spare key in a hiding place like under a door-mat, in a flower pot or inside the letter box--a thief will look there first.
Told through the eyes of his youngest daughter Dolores, The Hiding Place evokes life in the underworld of 1960s Cardiff.
Her "Lair", a big rubber pear-shape of 1986, was a hiding place, or a prison, or a peaceful orb, or a trap in which the viewer might find himself stuck.
As guests came to our door, he would light the pumpkin and have it pop out in front of them from a hiding place in the bushes.
He had a pickaxe somewhere in the heather, in a hiding-place known to himself alone.
Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet.
The Americans want less and less to do with it. Barack Obama, scolded by many in Congress for getting involved in the first place, is hiding in NATO's back seat.
Very often because of light and shade one can imagine some strange creatures hiding in the cave. It is the place where usually a turtle is seen.
Even the most powerful microscopes may not be able to reveal viruses if they're lurking in a hiding place in the body.
King Eurystheus was so afraid of his heroic cousin that he hid in a storage jar. From the safety of this hiding place he issued the order for another Labor.
'And it's a better hiding-place than out here in the country.
Just when he was about to leave his hiding place and sneak on in any way, he saw movement in the trees ahead of him.
Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet.She poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully.
But nevertheless hiding behind frequently male names like Currer Bell, Acton Bell, George Eliot, and so on, and not really entering into questions of the place of women in society.
Pulling a frightened cat out of a hiding place in order to comfort it, could actually add to its stress, the guide reveals.
"I don't think there's anything hidden in the icing," said Scrimgeour, "but a Snitch would be a very good hiding place for a small object."
As the bandit ran past Odious' hiding place, Odious cracked him in the nose!
Place it in a proper hiding spot and let the "fun" begin.
Simply choose your favorite sound, place it in a dark hiding spot and watch the madness begin.
My mother bought the beautiful basket and put it safely in some hiding place I couldn't find.
I know how Lars Porsena of Clusium has a fondness for collecting things of bright colors, like unto my fondness for collecting rocks, so I ran to his hiding place in the old oak tree.
和我喜欢收集石头一样,我知道克鲁西城国王波森那是多么喜爱搜集闪光的物体。 我跑到他藏东西的老橡树上,找到了妈妈的顶针。
Since her bedroom opened onto a community hallway, she kept the door locked, but needing the pin, I took the key from its hiding place, unlocked the door and stepped in.
Your hiding place should: Be out of the shooter's view. Provide protection of shots are fired in your direction. Not trap or restrict your options for movement.
Your hiding place should: Be out of the shooter's view. Provide protection of shots are fired in your direction. Not trap or restrict your options for movement.