We will run a catchup in the middle of September. Watch our update.
Both sides agreed to hold the sixth round of the Economic and Financial Dialogue in the middle of September this year in the UK.
"Perhaps he'll be at Monza," the veteran of 47 grands prix is quoted as saying, referring to the Italian grand prix in the middle of September.
THE TERRIBLE NEWS of the battle of Borodino, of our losses in killed and wounded, and the even more terrible news of the loss of Moscow reached Voronezh in the middle of September.
It has not been uncommon to see up to a double-digit increase in active users (and the CPU that goes along with it) from the middle of August to the middle of September on our large production DPARs.
Nomura bought the operations of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in Asia, Europe and the Middle East after the global credit crunch caused the Wall Street firm to collapse in September.
Marty arrives on September 2, 1885, in the middle of a United States Cavalry pursuit of Indians.
Since last September, experts launched a survey of 3,200 middle and primary school students from 33 schools of 9 districts in Chongqing, and nearly all of them had used the Internet.
Since last September, experts launched a survey of 3,200 middle and primary school students from 33 schools of 9 districts in Chongqing, and nearly all of them had used the Internet.