Fish moving from right to left indicate inbound traffic (such as downloads).
Finally, we get loads of targeted inbound traffic from search engines and bloggers who share our articles with their readers.
If no inbound traffic appears, it may be that the host isn't responding or there's no valid route from your host to the target or vice versa.
Leave the Firewall Type as is, which means the inbound traffic will be passed to the statically defined back end server address and port.
A standard configuration is for a carrier is to use half of each block to send a signal, and half to receive (outbound and inbound traffic).
We also need to define the names of the JMS queues that will be used for inbound and outbound JMS traffic.
You may need to find out what port your Application Target cluster USES for inbound HTTP traffic.
In our example, we have a Web services export — this results in a servlet that represents the HTTP router for inbound HTTP traffic.
This can be an important step in promoting your web site by building inbound links and traffic.
An external passenger transport hub (EPTH) in a city is the facility for traffic conversion, which connects inbound and outbound traffic.
VOIP Settings store inbound and outbound call information in a database on your server, allowing for much more powerful reporting of call costs and call traffic.
VOIP Settings store inbound and outbound call information in a database on your server, allowing for much more powerful reporting of call costs and call traffic.