For life-loving people, happiness is a lucky coincidence and a reward to their insistent attitude to life and lofty quality.
They were insistent on having a contract for the work.
In fact, they can start a new career in summer, and the more insistent they will act, the better the result.
Moreover, the purpose of military training is to not only be trained like a soldier, but also to learn to be patient, insistent, share happiness and pain and change to any environment.
His voice was soft but insistent, and she felt a stab of fear as she contemplated the possibilities that raced through her mind.
An insistent voice instructed him to paint a wall of the room in black.
He was reluctant to take a piece, but she was insistent.
Have you ever been insistent on making a certain decision or taking a specific direction, only to hit a brick wall or have things implode?
McComb got the idea for the study from her experience with her own cat, who would consistently wake her up in the mornings with a very insistent purr.
She seemed puzzled and a bit frustrated that she had to be so insistent on her own demise.
The owner, Sun Fucai — or Boss Sun, as he’s known — was so insistent that his workers attend that he imposed a $30 fine on any employee who refused the getaway.
The insistent fill our ears until we can't hear ourselves or anyone else think a dissenting thought.
The conservatives voted for more than a dozen pieces of legislation required under the current bail-out, but are insistent that they will vote against the new package.
When one acquaintance became too insistent on trying to send a gift to thank Mr. Jobs for his friendship, he was asked to stop calling.
Earlier this month, a source told People that Toth was insistent that Witherspoon is his ideal woman.
The appealing and frightened look worn by an injured dog; she holds out her hand for money importunate insistent; a pleading note in her voice.
It's the story of people in a meritocracy that gets more purified and competitive by the year, with the time demands growing more and more insistent.'
There will be an authority figure at work - either a member of management or a client - who will be quite insistent that you follow his orders and will give you no room to negotiate.
When in the flush of such feelings he heard his wife's voice, when the insistent demands of matrimony recalled him from dreams to a stale practice, how it grated.
Yet, although the message that "Russia is back" is insistent, the club is home to a range of views that reveals vigorous internal debate in Russia, as well as possibilities for change.
A recurring dream is a step down from a nightmare that is a louder, more insistent way your subconscious mind communicates.
The owner, Sun Fucai — or Boss Sun, as he's known — was so insistent that his workers attend that he imposed a $30 fine on any employee who refused the getaway.
There's a deep, powerful hum inside and it's as quiet as it is insistent.
Objective To treat hyperlipemia through reasonable diet control and insistent oxygen movement for a long time.
Today the morning has closed its eyes, heedless of the insistent calls of the loud east wind, and a thick veil has been drawn over the ever-wakeful blue sky.
During an interview punctuated by insistent offers of champagne, a local tycoon, whom I have never met before, invites both a colleague and me to dinner.
This temperament was soon tested in his dealings with Fayed, whom he found to be a querulous employer insistent on perfection.
This temperament was soon tested in his dealings with Fayed, whom he found to be a querulous employer insistent on perfection.