The government will tip in $100b to finance the purchases, utilizing the resources of the $700b bank bailout fund, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Brazil reduced reserve requirements and gave Banks and its deposit-insurance fund incentives to buy up the loan portfolios of smaller Banks.
Under one model the insurance pool would function like a reserve fund, offering participants a short-term credit line they could call upon during a crisis.
Having opted for collective insurance, Europe now needs to develop the collective discipline to stop their reserve fund from being abused.
China's fund is a consequence of its massive reserve accumulations, which exceed the sums it can conceivably need for insurance.
The insurance fund includes internal capital and external capital, which are registration capital, accumulation fund, security, reserve and other fund.
The insurance fund includes internal capital and external capital, which are registration capital, accumulation fund, security, reserve and other fund.