By adjusting the control knob, the second stage reduces the intermediate pressure to the desired delivery pressure.
The intermediate pressure exhaust gas boiler in the shop of Yantzi petrochemical oil refinery works is needed to recycle the exhaust heat from the dust.
A suggestion of using back pressure type energy saving turbine generator in place of pressure reducing station to produce intermediate pressure steam is made.
The method of surfacing welding sealing strip was adopted to repair the deformation of the flange joint surface of the high and intermediate pressure outer casing .
The paper describes some jamming phenomena at intermediate pressure main stop valve on a 600MW steam turbine, reasons are analyzed and some effective methods are carried out.
Discusses the feasibility of starting ways of intermediate pressure cylinder with bypass system for imported 300mw turbine, and compare with high pressure cylinder without bypass.
This paper introduces the Handan Co generation Power plant, intermediate pressure rotor's last stage-blade frequency reach dangerous resonance area when 200mw units were overhauled.
介绍了邯郸热电厂2 0 0 MW机组大修中,中压转子末级叶片组频率落入危险的共振区。
To create a filter to check for normal blood pressure, you would apply conditional logic to the BP intermediate object fields systolic and diastolic, as shown in Figure 7.
Involute profile of internal gear, in the small gear and internal gear intermediate have a crescent shape of the diaphragm, the purpose is the oil absorption cavity and pressure oil cavity off.
Finally, the influences of the intermediate principal stress and the strength-difference on the shakedown limit pressure of the thick-walled cylinder are investigated by the present solution.
Uses: is a plant growth regulator Dormancy yl intermediate is rich Xinpu Li, melagatran treatment of high blood pressure drugs such as synthetic intermediates.
The calculated results of temperature and pressure from mineralogical chemistry show that magmatic source should lie in crust-mantle intermediate zone.
The true triaxial pressure experiment for red sand rock is conducted for the purpose of investigation into the strength theory of rock and the effect of intermediate main stress.
But the peak of contact pressure between rolls forms when the intermediate roll shifts, which leads local wear of rolls and quality defects of strip.
It also testifies the intermediate variate in the system is servo valve loading pressure ; compensator is a first derivative element.
The present invention discloses one kind of pressure cast modified zinc alloy produced by adding modifier or modifying intermediate alloy during pressure casting of zine alloy.
As a available supplement of coronary angiography, pressure wire is a useful tool for the diagnosis and therapy of intermediate coronary artery stenosis. This article...
As a available supplement of coronary angiography, pressure wire is a useful tool for the diagnosis and therapy of intermediate coronary artery stenosis. This article...