This can improve interpretability and reduce bias.
Secondly, incongruity is defined as possess the characteristic of highly interpretability and enjoyability.
Classification methods can be compared and evaluated according to the following criteria: predictive accuracy, speed, scalability, robustness and interpretability.
In the second place, because of its evident multi-interpretability, Hobbes's original text gradually lost its capacity to function as arbiter in the historical debate.
The experimental results show that the proposed fuzzy classifier based on AFS theory and Genetic Algorithm has few rules, high classification rate, and good interpretability.
OWL facilitates greater machine interpretability of Web content than that supported by XML, RDF, and RDF Schema by providing additional vocabulary along with formal semantics.
OWL提供额外的词汇,并且与正式的语义一起协作,极大地改进了机器对Web内容的解释能力,超越了XML、RDF和 RDFSchema所支持的内容解释能力。
The new fuzzy classification system has some advantages as follows: (1) good interpretability, (2) efficient feature compression, (3) comparative accuracy to the traditional methods.
The new algorithm combines the merit of decision tree induction method and naive Bayesian method. It retains the good interpretability of decision tree and has good incremental learning ability.
Research on the interpretability has not got enough attention. This paper proposes a method of interpretable modeling based on fuzzy clustering in order to improve the interpretability of fuzzy model.
Research on the interpretability has not got enough attention. This paper proposes a method of interpretable modeling based on fuzzy clustering in order to improve the interpretability of fuzzy model.