You don't need a light switch or a light bulb or an iPhone app to turn something on or off.
The Generation Beyond project also includes an iPhone app for iOS providing real time information about weather reports for Mars, and there's also a free deep space course for middle school teachers and students.
“超越一代”项目还包括一个用于 iOS 的 iPhone 应用程序,它可以提供火星天气报告的实时信息,还有一个面向中学教师和学生的免费深空课程。
You don't need to guess which pair looks best on you — use the eBay Fashion iPhone app to try a pair of glasses you're checking out on a picture of your face.
I have a new favorite iPhone app.
"I need my iPhone app" was a common phase in 2010.
Psychologists at Harvard used an iPhone app to find out.
Does your company need an iPhone app or a mobile website?
The iPhone app got a few interesting updates besides search.
Let's say you hire a contract developer to build your iPhone app.
There's also a free iPhone app to remind you to take short breaks.
也有一个免费的iPhone app软件能提醒你稍微去休息一会。
Kayak recently launched an updated version of its popular iPhone app.
He's also written two books about iPhone app design and Google Voice.
The car’s charging status can bemonitored by an iPhone app, of course.
汽车的充电状态可以通过iPhone应用程序监测到。 充满电后,汽车行程可达180英里。
Using Kayak's iPhone app, consumers search for flights, as they normally would.
Do you have a great idea for an iPhone app but not the coding skills to actually build it?
The iPhone app is currently in thirteenth position in the iTunes of free travel apps.
The display ads appear at the bottom of search results pages in the Kayak Flights iPhone app.
展示广告出现在Kayak的iPhone应用程序Kayak Flights的搜索结果页面底部。
The iPhone app brings that same feeling of power - and possibility - into the palm of your hand.
KAYAK has quietly introduced mobile display ads into the search results screens of its iPhone app.
An iPhone app lets women create their own virtual personal trainer that can be Shared with friends.
The company also submitted the same number of apps to the iPhone App Store and the Nokia Ovi Store.
公司也向iPhone应用程序商店(iPhone App Store)和诺基亚Ovi Store提交了同样数量的应用程序。
Recall why customers leave: it's not likely just because your competitor has launched an iPhone app.
As you can see in the video, Friese and Behrens Mars rover iPhone app works using the accelerometer.
IPhone app 2.0: The foursquare iPhone app will be jumping to version 2.0 sometime this week or next.
But, for now, let's look at how an iPhone app ingests this plist data to change the application data.
An iPhone app, now removed from the app Store, that uploaded users contact lists to the vendors servers.
An iPhone app, now removed from the app Store, that uploaded users contact lists to the vendors servers.