My salary is reasonable respect to my job nature.
At the same time, considering their job nature demand, they wish to set up a high speed internet working environment.
"Community" limits not only the school principal community work scope, but also community school principal job nature.
Influence factors include the catering industry working conditions limit the availability and job nature of the labor contract.
Because the job nature of my last job did not meet my requirements and it was too hard for me, I decided to quit the job and find a new one.
According to the job nature of knowledge management project managers, an assessment method for the quality of venture capital project managers is proposed.
In addition, according to education level of rural migrant workers, job nature and the different ways of job classification, the average wage would be quite different.
I have managed to convince myself that if it weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the country.
Job candidates can respond freely due to its open-ended nature.
I felt rage at the economy that forced me here and the demeaning nature of the job, but most of all at myself.
The Stamford Nature Center thought the barn was too important to lose, and they did a good job of restoring it.
So Cisco changed the nature of the job and created its own certification program to train managers based on this new approach.
It's often human nature for people to clam up when they're having trouble doing their job, and certainly most developers don't want to look bad in the eyes of their manager.
How many rounds and levels of interviews to conduct depends on the nature of the job, the size of your company, and your policies and procedures.
You may be personally changing what you're doing, given personal goals; and the job itself may need to look different, given the shifting nature of the work at the departmental or divisional level.
I think the most important thing is the nature of the job. One should never do anything one is not Interested in.
You wanted to see WHO in a better position to measure and show results and do a better job of communicating the nature and impact of its work.
Therefore, the SVT tester's job is to discover problems of this nature and report them before the product is out of the door.
First, we need to do a better job in communicating the nature of our work and the impact it has.
The scientist's job is to figure out how the world works, to "torture" Nature to reveal her secrets, as the 17th century philosopher Francis Bacon described it.
正如17世纪哲学家弗兰西斯·培根( Francis Bacon) 所言,科学家的工作就是发现世界运行的规律,就是“拷问”自然来发现她的秘密。
Yet when he agreed to take the job only ten days ago, it must surely have been clear to him what the nature of the stimulus package was to be; the bill, after all, had been in discussion for months.
That information specifies the nature of the job (for example, "Send this E-mail to all the people on the system").
这些信息指定作业的性质(例如,“Sendthis e -mailtoallthepeopleon thesystem”。)
The second workshop I visited was a lot worse in terms of atmosphere, but that's the nature of the job at hand.
He was chosen for this job because he is fluent in several languages and has a jovial, or cheerful, nature.
It's all a snow job by nature. The reality is, we're freezing not in spite of climate change but because of it.
The research in this week's Nature Neuroscience, claims reactivating newly learned memories during sleep rather than when awake does a better job of strengthening the memory trace.
This job was better, but I still felt out of balance due to the two hour daily commute (one hour each way) and the on-call nature of the job.
This job was better, but I still felt out of balance due to the two hour daily commute (one hour each way) and the on-call nature of the job.