The laser altimeter will provide an absolute distance to the tops of the clouds.
One such satellite, NASA's ICESat, carries a laser altimeter to measure the height of the ice surface.
The establishing process and physical parameters for return signal in the laser altimeter systems are analyzed simply.
The laser altimeter will bounce beams of light off of the surface to measure the heights of mountains and depths of valleys.
This image was generated the by Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, or MOLA, an instrument that was aboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
Messenger has begun testing this theory by deploying a laser altimeter to map the shape of craters at the poles - with some encouraging results.
One of the most interesting observations, Solomon said, involves the laser altimeter, which is designed to measure the topography of Mercury's solid surface.
Two instruments were involved in producing the map: the camera instrument (specifically the Wide Angle camera) and the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (Lola) instrument.
A method combining pseudorandom modulation of the fiber laser and single-photon counting is proposed to realize a high spatial resolution for the space-borne laser altimeter.
The lunar Orbiter laser Altimeter (LOLA) works by sending a laser pulse through an optical lense that splits it into five beams that are each scattered back after they strike the lunar surface.
Researchers arrived at that figure by comparing the estimated thicknesses and extents of ice seen in a 1970 aerial survey with those measured by an airborne laser altimeter in 2007 and 2008.
Laser altimeter not only can precisely measure the target distance, but also extract characteristic information, such as inclination, roughness etc. from its echo signals. So they are applied widely.
Laser altimeter not only can precisely measure the target distance, but also extract characteristic information, such as inclination, roughness etc. from its echo signals. So they are applied widely.