On Thursday, the Labor Department will announce the latest number, for June, and forecasters are expecting it to rise further.
In its latest update on global employment trends, the agency says projections of the number of unemployed people this year range from 210 million to nearly 240 million people.
The latest warm period has caused the number of glaciers to decrease from 150 in 1850 to 26 today.
Although the housing market continues to contract-the latest figures show sales falling, prices tumbling and the number of vacant homes soaring-the economy is limping rather than slumping.
The task force issued its latest guidelines after reviewing the evidence from a number of studies on aspirin's benefits and risks.
The latest report also shows there has been a significant drop in the number of new HIV infections.
These latest deaths bring the number of Nato soldiers killed since the start of the year to 295.
Their latest survey suggests that in Baghdad that number is as high as one in two.
With the latest deaths in Poland, the total number of people in Europe who have died of exposure in recent days has risen to at least 40.
Latest available figures put the number of people significantly affected by the floods at more than 17 million, with eight million people needing urgent humanitarian aid.
Data from the latest 12 month period now shows that the highest ever number of infectious patients - 2.3 million people - were cured.
We are expecting stronger gains for the remaining two months of the year and the latest November results from a number of destinations support those expectations.
Kris Lim补充说道:“我们期待09年11月和12月国际到达旅客人数将保持强劲增长,来自几个目的地的11月份最新结果也支持了这些预期。
In addition, Bing has implemented a flight search feature. You can now type in the airline code and flight number and Bing will return the latest gate information and departure and arrival times.
The console file can be checked in /var/cics_regions/
控制台文件可以签入到 /var/cics_regions/
The finding, reported in the latest edition of Anesthesiology, has a number of potential applications.
In its latest "equity Gilt Study", Barclays Capital tested the outlook for the American equity market against a number of population variables.
The latest Home Office estimate for the number of innocent people on the DNA database is 980, 000 according to the crime and security bill regulatory impact assessment published last Friday.
按照上周五公布的犯罪和安全法案管理影响评估的说法,内政厅对DNA数据库内无辜人数的最新估计值为980 000人。
Therefore, ensure that not specifying a version number always returns the latest stable release.
You won't have to stop what you are doing to enter in the latest acronym or employee serial number mentioned in the meeting to find out the associated data.
The latest estimates put the monthly figure at under 500 a month, still a shocking number, but an eighth of what it was.
They were the latest in a growing number of civilian casualties in Israel's bombing campaign.
This is just the latest in a number of purchases Google has made that will enable it to add telephone-style services as part of its suite of products, both for homes and businesses.
If it turns out to be a health and safety issue, it will be the latest of a number of such headaches with interactive art in the Tate Modern's Turbine Hall.
In the latest Olympics, the Chinese athletes surprised the world not only with the number of MEDALS they won but also with the categories in which they won them.
Using the latest virtualization-enhanced processor architectures, a number of hypervisors and virtualization solutions support device passthrough.
In the latest available figures, they had twice the number of unique visitors per month of Real Madrid and Barcelona.
In the latest available figures, they had twice the number of unique visitors per month of Real Madrid and Barcelona.