These are, after all, busy parents committed to their work or their success in the larger society, and they do not have much left-over time in which to play with their children.
Women's liberation opened up new professional opportunities for women, and, over time, some of the best left teaching as a career option, bringing about a gradual decline in the quality of schooling.
In this study, instead of teaching students that their smartness can change, we taught them that their social standing—that is, whether they are bullied or excluded or left out—can change over time.
If you have time left, go over everything to make sure you haven't made any careless mistakes.
A part-time job is a good way to balance costs while ensuring there is enough time left over for both academic subjects and after-class activities.
Each year, we have a little time left over.
Over time, only the densest regions of the Cone will be left. Inside these regions, stars and planets may form.
Over time these routines and habits each consume a little bit of your time until you are left with days wondering how you can get anything done.
"I made looking for a job my job," he said. Even so, he found he had plenty of time left over to spend with friends and family.
When allocating memory from the heap, the contents of that memory are garbage — whatever bits happen to be left over from the last time that memory was used.
The AA says their busiest time on the roads is from 8am to 10am on Mondays when cars won't start because of flat batteries after they've been left standing over the weekend.
Whether she would have got over this fancy if left to herself or persevered in nursing it perpetually, I cannot say: she had little time to reflect.
Some barriers are left over from a different time and haven't changed to reflect new economic realities or concepts of justice.
After juggling careers, kids, and life, there can be very little time left over for your spouse.
Then each time she left, he’d quietly place one piece of nesting straw over Punkinhead’s body. Just one.
Its proportions - roughly 90 percent of people are right-handed and 10 percent left-handed - stay consistent over time.
By positioning the cursor over the icon, you can view the time left until the initial ticket-granting ticket (TGT) expires.
But by the time he left office, his profligate combination of serial tax cuts and unrestrained spending guaranteed the deficit would again loom over his successor.
Tooth problems left unattended can become worse over time and may lead to more severe problems.
If your self-image is an outdated old picture left over from an unhappy or emotionally taxing time, it probably isn’t serving you very well.
By the time we reach Pixar's 2008 animated feature "WALL-E, " the human race has left an over-polluted Earth and floats around space onboard a luxury cruise ship.
But the riddle of what underlies handedness remains. Its proportions - roughly 90 percent of people are right-handed and 10 percent left-handed - stay consistent over time.
There was extra pressure on Franzen this time, plus an additional layer of self-consciousness left over from the backlash to his success.
What's left over in the core, the radioactive material, will continue to give off heat for a long time.
It was expected that most of the meteorites that fell to Earth were left over from the birth of the solar system, so they should have formed at the same time as the Earth.
But if we have left time in the end of today for questions if you want to go over any of the ones from last week and you can't remember them or you just like a reminder ask me then.
Unfortunately, there's not enough time left over after reading all the promises of marketing nirvana from using Twitter to actually implement recommendations.
Over time the hotel has since fallen into disrepair and for the last 30 or so years, has been left abandoned.
On the next trip, I gave her $5 again. But this time, I told her she could keep any money that was left over. She came back with $5.
Work, school, or both take up so much time and energy, that it seems like there's little left over for fun and relaxation.