What Levi-Strauss is saying here is that his approach to myth is itself only a version of the myth.
Now I do want to go back to the relationship between Derrida and Levi-Strauss.
Already frail after several falls, levi-strauss did not participate in these events.
由于经过几次跌倒,levi - Strauss已经很脆弱了,他并没有参加这些活动。
Levi-Strauss' famous book, The Raw and the Cooked, essentially stages this critique in and of itself.
Take a look at page 917, the left-hand column, where Derrida is talking not about Levi-Strauss but about Saussure.
I had taken an interest in Levi-Strauss and especially in Sartre and his idea of interpenetration between two egos.
Levi-Strauss asks both in The Savage Mind and again in Tristes Tropiques: why the excessive complexity of these paintings?
But this very critique leveled against Levi-Strauss, he could have found in Levi-Strauss and does find it on other occasions.
Then, of course, he moved on to Paris where he knew Claude Levi-Strauss and influenced him and, ultimately, to the United States.
之后他去了巴黎,结识了列维, 斯特劳斯并影响了他,最后,来到了美国。
The next part is Caduveo face painting, but in "the Structural Study of myth," Levi-Strauss begins by talking about the Oedipus myth.
In 1971, invited to inaugurate the International Year for Action to Combat Racism, levi-strauss gave a lecture entitled Race and Culture.
In this situation, levi-strauss came to maintain the right of every culture to remain deaf to the values of the Other, or even to contest them.
So it is not anything like, even as one reads it in retrospect, a wholesale repudiation or even really a very devastating critique of Levi-Strauss.
It was an event that was really meant to be a kind of coronation of Claude Levi-Strauss, whose work had burst upon the American scene only a few years earlier.
It deploys and manipulates those gross constituent units of thought in the ways that we saw, but notice what Levi-Strauss is saying in that essay as opposed to the passage Derrida has just quoted.
The thin copy of the thesis on Baudelaire's Cat , jointly written in French by Roman Jakobson and Claude Levi-Strauss, which I had been searching for years, was found in a small bookshop in Paris.
Levi Strauss says counterfeits of the company's jeans are flooding Europe.
Strauss went into business with his two brothers and built Levi Strauss and Co. into a major American company that exists to this day.
The company traces its origin to Levi Strauss (1829-1902), a Bavarian immigrant who arrived in San Francisco in 1850 during the Gold Rush, bringing dry goods for sale to miners.
Levi Strauss is equally upset. It says it has a right to control the marketing of its own product and set the prices it wants to set.
Levi Strauss has introduced a pay-as-you-wear model for its most fashionable jeans in India to preserve their upmarket status while broadening its customer base.
Levi Strauss, which pioneered the idea in 1994 with its Original Spin jeans for women, measured customers in its stores and sent their details electronically to its factory.
Levi Strauss couldn't directly control how consumers washed their jeans and when.
Firms like hermes, General Motors, Levi Strauss and Coca-Cola rigorously tailor products specifically for emerging-market consumers.
During the 1980s, because of increasing competition and financial difficulties, Levi Strauss closed nearly 60 of its U.S. manufacturing plants and began shifting production overseas.
During the 1980s, because of increasing competition and financial difficulties, Levi Strauss closed nearly 60 of its U. s. manufacturing plants and began shifting production overseas.
When Levi Strauss and tailor Jacob Davis patented the process to put rivets in men's denim work pants, they created the world's first blue jean.
When Levi Strauss and tailor Jacob Davis patented the process to put rivets in men's denim work pants, they created the world's first blue jean.