From constructing teaching reference book information management and service system of library, the article proves the significance and probability of library's developing this system.
The system will conform the service and automatic systems of NLC, and construct a modern library information network service platform.
The article develops library quality system which consists of website quality, information quality, service quality, effectiveness, and user satisfaction, and designs quality measures.
The technologies of information network have also made the network station easy to success in the field of electronic library. Book information system and other commercial service.
It points out that the service pattern of the traditional library should be changed and a new information service system should be constructed.
Absrtact: in the deluge of information in digital books, accurately and quickly find the books meet their needs is a digital library service system needs to solve the main problem.
Absrtact: in the deluge of information in digital books, accurately and quickly find the books meet their needs is a digital library service system needs to solve the main problem.