We only carried some light weapons.
These small arms and light weapons also pose another threat.
And that the three parties in the area to retain only light weapons.
The United States has provided them with light weapons, training and other support.
The survey finds in 2008, the United States, Italy and Germany topped the list of 14 top exporters of small arms and light weapons.
In the same year, the top importers of small arms and light weapons included the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, France and Pakistan.
China supports and has participated constructively in the negotiation of an international instrument on identification and tracing of illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW).
"France therefore also sent equipment allowing them to defend themselves, comprising light weapons and munitions," he said, adding that the drop also included medicine and food.
There stood Heidi, with bare feet and in her white night-gown, looking bewildered at the bright light and the weapons.
Today's leaked documents shed no new light on the most oft-rehearsed of those charges - that he lied about, or exaggerated, the threat from Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
At 6:00am this morning, heavy and intensive firing began from various light and heavy weapons.
A shimmering example of this is the Tigers' latest weapons system: a fleet of ten light aircraft, imported in pieces during the ceasefire and unveiled in two recent bombing raids on Colombo.
In any case, as the PRC weapons designers surely knew, the way to "light" a DT "pellet" is with a nuclear explosion, not with an ICF laser facility.
It has a great visual radius, high speed, no weapons and light armor.
Armed with light equipment and weapons.
The alleged plot to kill Evo Morales came to light in April last year when police shot dead three Europeans in a hotel in Santa Cruz, and seized weapons and ammunition.
You diamond is like a heavenly mirror, making us bathe God's light by removing the dirty cover on out dark souls to punish the earthly demons with the weapons of self-consciousness and resurrection.
Such as smart weapons, intelligent robot vision system and micro air vehicles, expected the whole system weight light, size small, large field of view and the more sensitive to the moving target.
Wearing light to medium armor, hunters can also dual wield weapons in combat, fighting beside their pets in battle.
Nicknamed the "Trident" for its three forward weapons, this light transport was developed by KDY and Mekuun following a disastrous incident in the Mirgoshir campaign of the Clone Wars.
Products with good performance, protection area, light weight, etc. , can be used in the manufacture of vehicles, aircraft and other weapons, armor and other protective equipment.
Products with good performance, protection area, light weight, etc. , can be used in the manufacture of vehicles, aircraft and other weapons, armor and other protective equipment.