A conversation like this will get them to start to like you and maybe even more open up to ideas that you have.
However, some scientists think although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.
If farmers like Bowman are able to use these seeds without paying the designated fee, it will remove the incentives for companies like Monsanto to innovate.
If we see anything like what happened in Brazil itself, feeding the world in 2050 will not look like the uphill struggle it appears to be now.
We are going to conduct, also, drills that will be in the field, like hospitals, like all kinds of airplanes that crash, like taking people and evacuating from several places.
Like other browsers, RockMelt will be free, and like the popular open-source browser Firefox, it plans to make money by earning a share of the revenue from Web searches conducted by its users.
If, like me, you like to write code when you are disconnected; for example, on the train or late at night in the family room in front of the TV, they will not work.
Each of us has our own personal preferences regarding how we like to learn — I like hands-on experience and classroom education better than self-study — so I will cover a variety of options.
My company USES the Zimbra mail suite, and it is modeled to look like Microsoft Outlook, with (I suppose) the impetus that looking like a desktop app will make it feel like one.
The result, Mayer says, will be an avatar that looks like you, talks like you and will be able to describe key events in your life, such as your wedding day.
To such lofty examples I should like to add a lesser one; but it will have some relation to the others, and I should like it to suffice for all similar cases: and this is Hiero of Syracuse.
If you are like me, no matter how much you like some of the other tools discussed, there will always be those occasional times when you just want to see what is really going on by using a text editor.
I came into this world - like you - a pure, unblemished being. And when I come to the conclusion of this earthly life, I will remain - like you - pure, unblemished spiritual being.
Consumers may not go back to spending like it's 2007, but they will spend like it's 2006 or 2005 or...
But I tell you what - when you come home this evening, you will have to get right into the tub, like a fish, for if you run about like the goats you will get your feet dirty.
Later on, his mom pulls me aside and tells me to back off, saying he will never marry someone like me and he should be with a nice girl like his ex.
Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace.
我们的儿子,从幼年好像树栽子长大。 我们的女儿如同殿角石,是按建宫的样式凿成的。
He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.
Of course it does. It's more like, the better the idea, the more "out there" it initially will seem to other people, even people you like and respect.
Ideally like we started today, it will be a bit more like a conversation to the extent that's possible in a theater like this.
You feel like you have to hide, that if you say it out loud, people will look at you like a freak.
It's hard to guess what the future will be like, but we can be sure it will be like the past in caring nothing for present fashions.
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.
Just as the mind papers over the blind spot in the eye by assuming that what can't be seen is pretty much like what's next to it, the imagination assumes that tomorrow will be pretty much like today.
Like I said, it seems like the right thing to do in the moment (when your inner little girl has a big fat crush). But it's not... it will have no effect on her feelings for you.
Like I said, it seems like the right thing to do in the moment (when your inner little girl has a big fat crush). But it's not... it will have no effect on her feelings for you.