We would live in a large two-story house with floors and staircases made of wood.
We would live in a large two-storey house with floors and the staircase made of wood.
Now in his early fifties, Jobs live quietly privately, with his wife and four kids in a large, unostentatious house in suburban Palo Alto.
Then "fast brother" hang around in such a large courtyard, to live in such an eternal house forever, his attention to the outside world will be more urgent it.
Thee family all live in her back garden but they are so big that they each require a dog crate that would normally house a pet as large as German shepherd.
这一家三口都住在安妮特的花园里,但是因为它们体型巨大,所以它们每一只都需要一个平时用来装德国牧羊犬那么大的狗窝。 。
He used to live with his grandparents in a large house, with trees round it.
Because of population increase, to a large number of land reclamation, to a large number of occupation of land, only in this way can we have a new technology, will have a house to live in.
Many planets in this house indicate that we live a large part of our lives in connection with our friends or groups, and often need group support to accept or value what we are doing.
Many planets in this house indicate that we live a large part of our lives in connection with our friends or groups, and often need group support to accept or value what we are doing.