The aim is to prevent and control potentially life-threatening diseases and to ensure safe water supply and proper sanitation in temporary camps where thousands of displaced people are now living.
According to the water characteristic of Jinan, water consumption have divided into three parts: urban living using of water, industrial water supply, public living using of water.
For more than a week, the stinking growth disrupted the water supply of 2m people living on its shores.
The sequence of water supply is that the Power Plant generating and water supply for living is prior, followed by water for industry and irrigation in order.
Supply of high quality drinking water for living biotope office buildings schools etc.
The traditional water supply system is often criticized by its low efficiency, poor quality of water supply, which fails to meet the increasingly improving living standard.
The water supply was sporadic, there were possums living in the basement, the grass was taller than I was.
The water source is abundant, Guyang reservoir, Dongxi Reservoir, natural hotspring, and Yuta mineral water are able to supply enough industrial and living water.
Living in Beijing is a real blessing, since all other places have to make sacrifices to ensure Beijing's water and electricity supply.
A week later, the water supply ended, making life for artists living in the village almost impossible and forcing many residents to reconsider their decision to stay.
There are 4 water supply plants with a daily water supply capacity of up to 700,000 tons, satisfying the need for production and living.
In the domestic hot water, hotel, hospital, school and other requirements to provide a stable supply water temperature of the medium and small living hot water system in the.
In the domestic hot water, hotel, hospital, school and other requirements to provide a stable supply water temperature of the medium and small living hot water system in the.