More and more many people through network video frequency looker-in program, study knowledge;
There is a looker-on who sits behind my eyes. It seems he has seen things in ages and worlds beyond memory's shore.
Is a completely redesigned car for the model year 2011; the Volvo S60 still remains the looker in the family.
The group portrait of "play-looker" is the common character in Lu Xun's novel, and the dual structure of "looks" and "being looked" which deduced by them is the basic subject pattern.
In the dependent regime of safety provided by the powerful nation, Australia has become a relatively passive on-looker in the fields of the arms control, disarmament and the nuclear non-proliferation.
In the dependent regime of safety provided by the powerful nation, Australia has become a relatively passive on-looker in the fields of the arms control, disarmament and the nuclear non-proliferation.