As this is due to Marine accident, the insurance company shall is liable to compensate for the loss.
Also from the view Angle of statistics the reasons for Marine accident caused by human errors are explained.
The main purpose of the system of marine accident investigation and process is to resolve the occurrence of marine accident.
The marine accident caused by public service ship is different from road accident, which also differs from ordinary marine accident.
Based on the analyses of the "human element" in Marine accident investigation, this article describes how the human factors work on Marine accident.
During a traumatic accident whilst on a deep-sea dive in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, Olive, a gifted, young marine-biologist discovers an unearthly creature.
Cracks in Marine main engine or auxiliary engine body may lead to scrap of the machine or serious accident, which is a badly hidden trouble for safety of a vessel.
Under all Marine risk, recoverable loss will be confined to those arise from peril of sea and maritime accident only.
In 1915 the range of business was extended with the opening of the general branch, through which fire, accident, Marine and other forms of insurance were sold from 1919 onwards.
This paper proposes a safety assessment method for marine man-machine system from point of view of the accident probability.
Marine reactor is deemed to a swimming nuclear power plant and it has the various latent factor of the nuclear accident.
This paper use MELCOR software for simulating the break accident of Marine reactors, and calculating from the happen of the reactor accident to the failure of the bottom of Marine reactors.
Causing Marine environment pollution as a result of an accident or other sudden events and failing to take treating measures immediately.
Causing Marine environment pollution as a result of an accident or other sudden events and failing to take treating measures immediately.