For jittery investors, these are instruments that offer safer exposure to America’s mortgage market.
For jittery investors, these are instruments that offer safer exposure to America's mortgage market.
America's Treasury market is unsettled by inflation, in another jittery week for the world's investors.
To make matters worse, another important source of money for Banks and companies began to dry up, as jittery investors yanked cash out of money-market funds.
Maintaining that calm, however, depends critically on the Fed's next moves. Investors have become jittery the Fed will start dumping its mortgage assets into the market.
We believe it has directly or indirectly impacted nearly every asset price in the world, which is why the market is so jittery about the idea that credit problems in China could unravel.
Lehman Brothers sought to reassure jittery investors after it saw 20% wiped off its market value on March 17th.
雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)在3月17日市值削减20%后再次安抚恐慌的投资者。
The market is completely focused on Europe and is likely to be very jittery as we head into today's EU summit.
The market is completely focused on Europe and is likely to be very jittery as we head into today's EU summit.