Objective to establish the standard values of indicators for maternity care quality evaluation.
It also offers an opportunity for interaction amongst physicians whose practice includes maternity care.
Researchers at the University of Michigan, US, say PTSD needs to be taken into account in maternity care.
Results The standard values of indicators for maternity care quality evaluation was successfully established.
On a Consideration of Limitation and a Break-through Orientation of Carrying out the Maternity Care System at Present;
They are charged higher premiums for health insurance yet still have greater out-of-pocket expenses for things as basic as contraception and maternity care.
Finland provides three years of maternity leave and subsidized day care to parents, and preschool for all five-year-olds.
Together long, low-paid maternity leave and short, low-paid paternity leave convey the message that it is primarily women who are responsible for the care of young children.
And for maternity services to allow and encourage fathers to be present for doctor's ward round and when support is given on baby care skills.
Norway stood at the top of the list for its low maternal mortality rate, top-notch medical care, and its maternity leave, which is among the most generous in the world.
On maternity leave, taking care of Gustave, seven months old, and Ceasar, two years old.
Emerging benefit issues included questions about maternity and paternity leave, and child care.
He contacted Maternity and Child Care Hospital in Nanjing which promised to give her free treatment.
Maternity insurance system means that events in the reproductive functions of fertility during the bearers to give income compensation, medical care and maternity leave of the social security system.
Ms Plibersek said the Productivity Commission's inquiry into paid maternity leave, increasing tax rebates for child care and dismantling Work Choices were policies that would help reduce the gap.
Methods Stratified sampling methods were used to carry out the prevalence study of maternity and child care for women at child bearing-age in Luochuan County and Bin County.
Obama also called for a higher minimum wage for workers, equal pay for women and paid sick leave, maternity leave and child care assistance for working families.
This paper introduces the method of designing and realizing of the outpatient navigation enquiry system of Hospital Information System(HIS)for Guangdong Maternity and Child Care Hospital.
In 1949, China had only nine maternity and child care centers, with limited numbers of beds and medical workers.
The fifth part: The work on maternity and children care promoted women's health in both body and mind.
Results the services of maternity and child care were laggard, and there was significant difference between these two areas.
We have also in place a regulatory system for health care services providers such as private hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes.
By the end of 1992, China had 346 maternity and children's health care centers, 2,841 clinics and 34 pediatric hospitals, initially forming a national health network for women and children.
By the end of 1992, China had 346 maternity and children's health care centers, 2,841 clinics and 34 pediatric hospitals, initially forming a national health network for women and children.