At the same time, it shows that matrix addition is used to arrange magic square.
In addition to radios, the matrix can test the underlying network aspects for network operations, network management systems and information assurance capabilities.
By the big picture, I mean let's keep the same matrix on the left, but in addition, we have a difference right hand side.
Healing in the composites is achieved through the addition of a microencapsulated healing agent and a catalyst to the matrix polymer.
Team research platform - Another powerful Version 3's addition is the enhanced ability for users to vote or approve excellent bookmarks in a rather "suggestive" matrix.
Addition of mullite short fibre can accelerate precipitation in early aging stage and speed up composite's soften rate in later aging stage, but not alter the precipitation sequence in matrix.
In addition, a pattern analysis of SHG images using grey-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) was carried out, a well-established method for scoring collagen organization in skin.
In addition, it is suggested that the future mode of land use be included in the matrix method as it will be an important factor that will restrict the choice of the remediation technology.
In addition, the processability of the composite materials with maleimide resin as matrix could be improved apparently.
While the addition of oil phase ingredients in the gel matrix, or using different gel matrix material can obviously change drug permeation.
The results show: the addition of GF not only makes the coupling agent distribute in POM matrix uniformly, but also improves the structure and properties of the composite greatly.
In addition we present a new column partition strategy, based on the estimate of column-dependence of each block, to divide the coefficient matrix a.
In addition a speedy observability analysis method based on nodal adjacent matrix is put forward.
In addition this paper constructs a matrix algorithm for computing bivariate diagonal vector valued rational interpolants with preassigned poles.
Then, large sequence and sequential patterns are all out pass the vector of matrix multiplication operator corresponding to the elements and simple addition operations have been.
The interfacial structure of graphite fiber reinforced magnesium matrix composites becomes complex because of the addition of al into the matrix.
The direct sum decomposition of the addition of a linear transformation under the coprime polynomial was given, and it was used in the proof of some equality about the rank of idempotent matrix.
In addition, the wettability, interfacial chemistry, mechanical properties of metal matrix composites and finite element analysis about metal matrix composites are simply studied.
In addition, because of introduction of particle reinforcements, adhesion resistance of composites is obviously improved and better than that of matrix alloy.
The reliability and accuracy of the gas response were ensured by the addition of 5wt% palladium metal catalyst and other film matrix diluents, such as 5wt% magnesium oxide and 9wt% oxidation-re…
Experimental results showed that, due to the addition of modification or refinement elements, the changes in the structure of the composite were identical with that of unreinforced matrix alloy.
In addition, for the minimal rank solution set, the expression of the optimal approximation solution to a given matrix is derived.
In addition, it could be shown that osteoblasts proliferated, differentiated, and produced new mineralized extracellular matrix.
In addition, the recursive least square based on matrix UD decomposition is used to confirm the conclusion parameters of fuzzy model for the sake of accumulating and transferring o.
The addition of second phase particles to TZP matrix as a ceramic composite is an effective way to improve the toughness and high temperature properties of TZP.
In addition, the cells are trapped in a matrix of mucus, where they are often massed in large clusters of varied kinds of cells.
In addition, hydrogen sulfide may infiltrate and attack the crystalline matrix of the steel, creating conditions which can lead to weakening and failure of the steel in certain cases.
The addition of traces of Al could make the materials containing C ranged from 2.6-3.0% obtain troostite matrix both in sand molds and in metal, sand the materials have good synthetic properties.
Using mathematical morphology to get grey scale matrix of facial imagines, in addition extracting their grey characteristics through K-L transformation, these unique eyes and faces are be formed.
In this paper, the multi-key problems and the relations between the weight and the keys are studied. In addition, we advanced the critical matrix and the distribution matrix of keys.