Beside this one of many tools in Frost, I asked you to pay attention to tools in his poetry as you read it over the weekend.
I was watching him and he was putting his feet up on the desk,
And I noticed you had your, yes why do you believe ? he was guilty and got what he deserved?
I noticed that several of you were smiling, in a way, as I read, that suggested you were embarrassed by the performance. Right?
This half, I'm gonna put my finger on the 1 and notice I can do the same thing.
I'm going to print here the list if we go into it, and print of the when we're done and then just return that.
He was spectacularly wrong, but I notice he's also no longer CEO;so, these things happen There is a general bias.
I noticed that a lot of women in London have red hair.
As I read, pay attention to the degree to which he's constantly talking about language and about the way in which he himself is inserted into language.
What I wanted to show you was a clip that actually my daughter brought to my attention just this past weekend.
There's five electrons So what you'll notice here is that I only filled in 3 electrons.
And right off the bat you notice that I am making a huge assumption here.
You've probably already noticed that there's some material that's set aside from the text in boxes, and I encourage you to particularly look at those boxes for this chapter.
Well one reason I want to go back is you'll notice I've been putting up these lines on the board and when we visited elections on the second day, we said that you could think of that line on the board, as being not just left wing, right wing politics but also some dimension of products.
I've noticed how students here love to debate just about everything.
At the same time, as I empty myself of a lot of my own focus on myself, it allows me to hear and pay attention to all the things that are around you.
There's three access points that I pay attention to, in particular.
I've noticed that people here dress in a very interesting way.
I've noticed a lot of people are wearing bikinis around here.
He wants his novel to be like that living butterfly, but the threat is always that it will be more like the aquamarine. And I want to suggest to you that the aquamarine has an even darker personal significance to him.
Was Plato simply unaware of this, I can't believe that.
So, literally earlier today when I was on my way to campus I emerged from the Harvard Subway Station and I was about to exit the station up the stairs when I noticed this older woman who was standing by one of these things.
And probably the obvious thing you'll think about is, we'll come up with a clever algorithm. And I want to disabuse you of that notion.
It's a kind of realism, of course. Nevertheless, there it is in front of us, and again I call you back to that quotation. What are we going to see when we look at the fiction? Do we see what's in front of us?
It can't be ruled out but such a world I would note--let's just say a world administered by international courts of law by judges and judicial tribunals--would no longer be a political world.
OK. Don't sweat the details, I'm just expanding it out.
You might have already noticed that I'm using the classes V2 server so the syllabus is there, I'm going to go over the syllabus a little bit later, but the syllabus is available online.
And in particular, I'm sure you're looking at this going-- will look at it if we look at the right piece-- going, wait a minute.
For those of you who don't realize it, it's now about 12:00 in the evening tomorrow in Beijing Yeah, so anyway, I'll probably fall asleep by about 10:30.
And I hope, as you are reading, you notice that chapter opening where once again Dean appears at the door when Sal shows up, and he's totally naked.I hope you noticed that. It's the third time that we see that so there is an eroticism between them.