Israel was chosen by Yahweh in an act of spontaneous love it does not imply her perfection an act of spontaneous love for the patriarchs.
and so they just, knowingly or unknowingly, they steal and copy what someone else has already said.
Normally, we do these things to keep an equilibrium among the different systems of the unconscious, but sometimes it doesn't work.
We're going to have to refine it to deal with the obvious fact that you're not dead all the times when you're unconscious and not dreaming.
So there are more sophisticated approaches, some of them are mechanical.
Is that an automatic thing?
But if meaning and significance bleed into each other, what I'm going to be doing is establishing a canon, as it were, unconsciously or semiconsciously.
I'm actually going to skip over this for reasons of time and just go to some examples of the unconscious in modern psychology.
Now, the marriage case is extreme but Freud gives a lot of simpler examples where this sort of unconscious motivation might play a role.
So, the question is, from an evolutionary standpoint, " "Why would an unconscious evolve?"
Suppose we say, "You need to appeal to the soul in order to explain not just that the body moves around, flails, but the body acts purposefully."
Now, all of this would be fine if your unconscious was a reasonable, rational computer, if your unconscious was really smart and looking out for your best interest.
These are symptoms of mechanisms going on to keep things unconscious.
The final example I'll give of this is a short demonstration.
And this is typical enough but, despite all of the, sort of, sour things I just said about Freud, the big idea, the importance of the dynamic unconscious, remains intact.
So much of our day-to-day life can be done unconsciously.
On the other hand, these claims about the utility of unconsciousness, I think, are provocative and interesting.
The discussion I skipped was the discussion of why we would have an unconscious at all.
So, I was talking about the scientifically respectable ideas of Freud and I want to talk about some new ideas about why there could be an unconscious.
As we will learn throughout the course, by far the vast majority of what our brains do, the vast majority of what our minds do, is unconscious and we're unaware of it.
The two main ones involve the existence of an unconscious, unconscious motivation, and the notion of unconscious dynamics or unconscious conflict which lead to mental illnesses, dreams, slips of the tongue and so on.
This is all the Freudian unconscious.
And here's where the unconscious comes in.
Typically, we are oblivious to these factors that change our points and this is, in fact, a substantial and an important part of the study of psychology, and particularly, for instance, the study of racial and sexual prejudice.
And you're just unconscious of how this happens but it's unpleasant and kind of frightening that this could happen, that this could apply to things like why you're now studying at Yale, why you feel the way you do towards your friends, towards your family.
And as we will get to - when we get to the lecture on language, this is not conscious.
No, it certainly not automatic.
The Freudian would say that these processes are unconscious so of course you just don't know what's happening.
We will go over and over and over again different case studies where some really interesting aspects of mental life prove to be unconscious.
And the driving of the id, the forces of the id and the forces of the superego, are unconscious in that we cannot access them.