It allows for this map between a symbol, say a spoken word, and any sort of thought we want to use.
Word of mouth, even, is a sort of good way to find out.
It is a sort of a problematic word.
You could use a sign language thing for "Drink" that looks sort of like the act of drinking but you can't use a sign language word for "Country" that looks like a country, or for "Idea" that looks like an idea.
So wherever you see '"LORD" in small caps, that's actually the English translation for Yahweh, the proper name, like almost a personal name for God. And then in other places we have this word Elohim, which actually is the word for "gods," a sort of generic term for deities in the plural.
I suppose what I'm really saying is that the word "hermeneutics" wasn't available, and the idea that there ought to be a sort of a systematic study of how we interpret things wasn't really current.