And the point of this is so that you don't come to class heads down the whole time thinking everything I say is absolutely worthy of being written down.
And,it used to be that twenty or thirty years ago you'd say nothing in France works, and everything works in the U.S, and now it's just the opposite,totally the opposite.
And my purpose will be not to say something as a postulate, but to show you where everything comes from, and it's best for you if you try to follow the logic.
One is called the twenty-four hour recall and that's either done by a computer, or done by a trained interviewer who would sit down with you and say, 'Let's reconstruct everything you've eaten in the last twenty-four hours.' And so then you have to recollect everything you ate in the last twenty-four hours.
You can just say it's RNA or DNA and you know everything about the pentose in every molecule on the chain.
When you're all out of specific cases and you want to handle everything else, you literally say "default:" And here I could end the program with break, but it's kind of unnecessary because once I'm at the bottom of the curly braces, that's it.