It's gonna take, as I mentioned earlier, probably 10 to 20 years. These years will be very interesting and I look forward to them. Thank you!
as I think I mentioned earlier,
I mentioned earlier, we thought about receptors as being these blocks and membranes but there are different families of receptors.
As we mentioned in one of the earlier classes, these macronutrients differ in how much energy you can derive from them.
As I mentioned earlier it would lead, of course, to big cycles of boom and bust.
And as I mentioned earlier then, death is so horrible and life is so wonderful that it could never make sense to throw it away.
As I mentioned in the earlier class, most of you would probably rather have some high fat food like French fries or ice cream, or some type of a dessert than have cauliflower or have broccoli or have brussel sprouts.