That is why this says atomic number, but for most intents and purposes we can say this could be atomic mass.
But right now I am going to give it to you as Mendeleev enunciated it. Atomic number, we will learn later, is the improvement.
So similarly, as we now move up only one more atom in the table, 3 so to an atomic number of three or lithium, now we're going from six variables all the way to nine variables.
So here we have that graphed here, Z we have atomic number z graphed against ionization energy, so, let's fill in what the actual atoms are here, and we can see in general, yes, we're following the trend.
So, even though we don't have the lithium anymore, we still keep that atomic number 7 around.
What you see is that the radius changes with atomic number for constant electron number.
Maybe not. It has no protons, so therefore, it has no electrons Because proton number equals electron number, which means if it has no protons 0 its atomic number is zero.
What I am looking at here is boiling point as a function of atomic number.
One of them here I happened to choose is boiling point versus atomic number.
This makes sense intuitively as well, Ze because z is just the atomic number.
This is because even though z, the atomic number is still increasing, we are also getting further away from the nucleus.
PROFESSOR: five -- there's five valence electrons, but the atomic number is actually seven.
Here is atomic radius versus atomic number.
But actually there is a little bit of an energy cost into doubling up into a single orbital, because, of course, it takes energy when you create more electron repulsion, that's not something we want to do, but we have to do it here, and it turns out that that effect predominates over, again, the energy that we gain by increasing the atomic number by one.
But for anything 7 or less, so what is the atomic number for nitrogen?
If you look on the Periodic Table this is 598 atomic hydrogen. And, sure enough, there is 13.598, which is this number here in electron volts.
The number of electrons in an atom is deduced to be approximately equal to half the atomic weight.
So, let's say we have an atomic number of 3, 3 that means we have 3 electrons, so we better hope to get our neutral atom that we have a charge of plus 3in the nucleus.
So any time that you're drawing these molecular orbital diagrams you want to keep in mind that the number of electrons that you have in atomic orbitals, you need to add those together and put that many electrons into your molecule.
All right, so I did this not at all purposely, but this can point out for you that you need to make sure that the number of electrons that you have in your molecular orbital does match up with the total number that you have in your atomic orbitals.