Many consider it a mystical form of Islam. "It's kind of the interior illumination of the practices of Islam, which bring out the best in it.
VOA: standard.2010.05.21
"The timeline that we've talked about is actually,in a sense that, if I were to use the surge in Iraq, look where we are right now, sort of apply the same kind of timeline to Afghanistan, as best we can tell, and we think that's reasonable, in terms of having the impact, and then being able to thin our forces out and bring them back".
VOA: standard.2009.11.04
"I saw all these ships waiting out there,I am guessing, waiting their turns to load and unload the cargo, so,I said,Why do the ships come into the harbor?" Why not have the harbor go out there and bring the goods in?'" Researchers describe the mobile harbor as a lean, light system for unloading container ships even if the coastal area is too shallow for them to dock.
VOA: standard.2010.01.04