So, that translation causes people to believe that ; The story is giving me an account of the first event in time forward; But it's actually a bad translation.
What you have to do is have the courage to say I have got to account for the bad data, what I think are bad data and the data that helped me build my theory.
The deprivation account says, death is bad for you insofar as, or it's bad for you when, by virtue of dying now, what you've been deprived of is, another chunk of life that would've been good for you to have.
What all this suggests, then, and this is a point that I really made before, is that the best understanding of the deprivation account doesn't say that what's bad is the mere fact that we're going to die.
According to the deprivaton account, death is bad, when it's bad, because of the fact that it deprives us of the good things in life, insofar as we would have continued to get good things in life.