With a credit card, you are borrowing money every time you use it.
VOA: special.2009.05.21
You might have brought in investments or something by borrowing money, so the investment--the combined investment and liability could be very volatile.
Well, they created special entities called SIVs and the SIVs would be borrowing money on the commercial paper market to buy subprime loans.
The farmers were angry about the high cost of borrowing money,too.
VOA: special.2010.04.15
When they created margin rules that the seller had to be borrowing against securities. Just made more money when securities went up more value.
And fourth was the high cost of borrowing money.
VOA: special.2010.06.10
If you're borrowing money for a business, you might want to open a store and you'd want to stock your merchandise and your business won't prosper for a couple years.
Anyone who has ever borrowed money can relate to the debate over raising America's borrowing limit.
VOA: special.2011.07.15
According to Modigliani and Miller, if you add taxes to their debt irrelevance proposition, it means that companies will want to borrow a lot and the real advice they would be giving to Bill Gates is: what's the matter with you? Why aren't you borrowing money?
For example, Microsoft has avoided borrowing any money and they don't believe in debt, so they are not leveraged.
I had made a few bucks playing poker and that's how I started with about eight, ten thousand dollars and I made all this money by borrowing at 90%.
Again, that is a problem that lenders have that the company that's borrowing the money has this unfortunate incentive, at least at certain times, to take excessive risks because the debtors will end up bearing the losses.