But I want you to see now what happens if I use this. Let's bind x to the value of 3.
But the one that they do now... I would be there to see when the wrestlers come in, at the back entrance.
But it was still interesting to watch and to see unfold So, now I had this picture of real-live data of a real-life city operating in front of me.
So, that might be a complete lie but I think the numbers are now 64 bits, so we'll see, I'll take a look.
When we start writing code, you're going to see that difference, but for now, don't worry about it, I just want to plant that idea.
But now, as I'm looking into the mirror, I don't see anything at all.
Now what I want to do is take you exactly to this place where we are right now, where we see energy levels and electron filling, but I want to start all over again and I want to use a totally different approach.
I showed you a one-year Treasury bill rate for right now-- that's not right now, but you can see I have a one-year and a two-year Treasury bill rate.
Now before I do that, I don't need the people at home to see this, but how many of you were here last time? How many of you were not.
You'll see enough things that will confound you, but right now I want to demonstrate a simple paradigm of what it means to know the present and what it means to say this is what the future behavior will be.
You at this point don't see what I'm seeing because I haven't hit this button, but now you'll actually see that I've brought up a terminal window.
Now, it used to be in the old days before I had kids, I could list off 15 current movies and help you a bit more with your dating strategy by giving you instant movie reviews, but now I have kids, I get to see precisely two movies a year, and the two movies I got to see this year were The Bourne Ultimatum and the Good Shepherd.