Sometimes we have a very electronegative atom that's going to take more of its equal share of electron density.
Great. Yup, it's going to be an electron acceptor, it wants to accept electrons, it wants to accept electron density.
Again, we have continuous electron density from one nucleus to the other.
So you can see that this is non-bonding, this is even worse than non-bonding, it's anti-bonding, because we're actually getting rid of electron density between the two nuclei.
So again, this is an anti-bonding orbital, and what you see is that there is now less electron density between the two nuclei than there was when you had non-bonding.
So for example, that might have a formal charge of negative 1, because to some extent it has gained that much electron density that it now has a formal charge that's negative.
So you can think about how these 2 things combined are going to be electronegativity, which is a measure of how much an atom wants to pull electron density away from another atom.
The reason that there is increased electron density here is you can see that these two orbitals come together and constructively interfere.
And we know that it's electron density between the nuclei that holds two atoms together in a bond.
Because we know as we go to infinity, even though the density gets smaller and smaller and smaller, we still have electron density very far away from the nucleus.
So it's just a measure of how much does one given atom want to pull away electron density from, let's say, an adjacent atom.
When we were talking about constructive interference, we had more electron density in between the 2 nuclei.
So, it's the x-y plane, you can see there's no electron density anywhere there.
So if I try to rotate my 2 atoms, you see that I have to break that pi bond, because they need to be lined up so that the electron density can overlap.
So, what we're going to define is just let's just capture 90% of that electron density.
So, when we're talking about the idea of electronegativity, essentially what we're talking about is the ability for an atom to attract electron density from another atom.
This should make sense because if something has a low ionization energy, that means it's not very electronegative, which means it's going to be a lot happier giving up electron density, which is essentially what you're doing -- when you're forming covalent bonds is you're sharing some of your electron density.
So we're not saying it's all the electron density, it's just 90%.
Because already I can see there is a line of sight from one nucleus to the other with no electron density whatsoever.
The first one will be above and below the bond axis is where we'll see the electron density, and the second will be perpendicular to that, so it will be a density in front of and behind the bond axis.
So there's electron density above the bond and below the bond.
And when we look at this, it's actually split by what's called a nodal plane, which is pointed out in light orange here on this picture, but what we just mean is that there is this whole plane that separates the two lobes where there is absolutely no electron density.
So pi bonds have electron density both above and below the bond axis, but they actually have a nodal plane at this z, this bond axis here.
And one common way to think about it, is to think about the value of r, or the radius, below which 90% of that electron density is going to be contained.
There's not two bonds, that's one pi bond, and the reason is because it's 2 p orbitals coming together, and remember p orbitals have electron density above and below the axis, so when they come together, it kind of looks like one bonds, but essentially what we have here is one pi bond.
All right, so what we see here is we have our sigma bond that's along the internuclear axis here, but we also have a pi bond, because each of these atoms now has electrons in it's in a p orbital, so we're going to overlap of electron density above and below the bond.
And when we take the wave function and square it, that's going to be equal to the probability density of finding an electron at some point in your atom.
Anywhere where that's the case we're going to have no probability density of finding an electron.
And if we go ahead and square that, then what we get is a probability density, and specifically it's the probability of finding an electron in a certain small defined volume away from the nucleus.
Probability density of finding an electron within that molecule in some given volume.