I thought that we'd begin then by turning to page 731, the left-hand column, the footnote.
It's never gonna get recorded in the history books, but it might be worth a footnote somewhere.
So first I want to read to you the footnote to T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland.
The footnote to your Norton here suggests that the gazebo is a summerhouse and by extension it's quite an extension the nationalist movement, and then, "even the whole temporal world."
Now, I've got to make a footnote here.
A particularly puritanical editor of Plato from the twentieth century writes in a footnote to that passage, "this is almost the only passage in Plato " that one would wish to blot out," his sensibilities were offended by this notion.
So, introduction, "in order to explain the results of experiments on scattering of alpha rays by matter, Professor Rutherford," and there is a footnote to the Rutherford model.
You may have noticed in your Wimsatt essay that there is a footnote to somebody named Joel Spingarn who wrote an essay called "The New Criticism" in 1924.
Well, look at this footnote: And the history of words after a poem is written may contribute meanings which if relevant to the original pattern should not be ruled out by a scruple about intention.
In any case, in this footnote Gadamer says something-- I think it's very rare that we can actually just sort of outright disagree with Gadamer, but he says something in this footnote that I believe we can actually disagree with.
You know,a footnote.
Now I would like to read to you from the footnote to Howl, Allen Ginsberg's famous poem, that for many people embodied at the time what it meant to be engaged in this new literary project.
Toward the bottom of the footnote, 731, left-hand column, ust as in conversation, we understand irony to the extent to which we are in agreement on the subject with the other person."
Essentially, that's what Wimsatt says in the footnote.