Grant answered: "The terms I propose are those I offered in my earlier note to you.
VOA: special.2009.12.24
Second thing I want to note is, the little hash mark or the pound sign, that's identifying a comment.
So I thought I'd begin with a short note that one of your classmates sent to me earlier this week.
I think Hartman is absolutely right to note that it's this aspect of Milton's similes that sets them entirely apart from the similes in any other epic poem.
But the minute I heart the first note of her voice, I burst into tears and I was convulsed.
I also want to note that the end of the material today, so this last topic here, that's the end of the material that's going to be on this first exam.
Then I want to note the transition that happens at the very bottom of this page after he says, "I was chastened whenever I remembered that my mother had come close to killing me."
epsilon I gave it here a different epsilon, and you'll note, we get different answers.
I should note by the way--you know from the movie that Milgram was a Yale professor.
Okay, so this is a five-dollar note and I'm going to put it--sorry about that again-- I'm going to put it in an envelope.
I got a note from him and I'm still trying to figure it all out That's what happens; the system performs very well and then it becomes vulnerable.
On that grim note I think I'll let you go
He is making a claim here which is a very strong, powerful one, but which was characteristic of the Greeks and I want you to take note of it here.
So here,at long last,I'm making good on my promissory note.
As we come back in to this, I think we've got a situation where the piano keeps playing the four-note motive, the part like he was building it up for tension.
Just as a note, I cued you about the level of detail I'm expecting you to acquire from class and from the readings, and I'm not so interested that you memorize those particular sugars and which category they fall under, but it is interesting to know that there are different types of sugars.
But I want to note that his mother takes a different approach.
It's not uninteresting, I think, to note that there appears to be absolutely no evidence whatsoever available to John Milton that Homer was either vegetarian or a lifelong celibate.
And I want you to keep this in mind and make a note to yourself.
I should note that last time I taught the course I used the Marcus Reader, and when Professor Marvin Chun taught his course last semester he used Peter Gray's 5th edition textbook.
It can't be ruled out but such a world I would note--let's just say a world administered by international courts of law by judges and judicial tribunals--would no longer be a political world.
So I'm going to leave it on that note and on Wednesday we will begin the study of one of Machiavelli's greatest and most profound disciples in the modern world, a man by the name of Thomas Hobbes.
The goldsmith in your town writes out a note saying, I will pay to the bearer of this note so much gold, and then the bearer could be anyone.
OK. Note, by the way, if I chase through each possible path, like there's some IFs in here, if there's some places to go, at least in this piece of code, every possible path through this code ends in a return. And that's a good programming discipline, to make sure that happens.
If it was a bearer note " if the note said I'll pay if it wasn't a unique object but just gold the note would say that this goldsmith will pay to the bearer so many ounces of gold.
But I want to pause for a moment and note that this assumption that the way to think about the value of the combination as just a matter of adding the goodness of life and the badness of death and just summing them that way-- that may not be right.
A few things I want to note about that besides the obvious.
What I want you to note there is the sense that the matter of the poem comes from an archive, an archive of scholarly work, a body of knowledge that you read about.
I want to end though on a positive note.
And I will end just on this note.