"People made friends more. I noticed that people would sit with strangers and have conversations, so that was a great thing.
VOA: special.2009.08.05
You may have noticed that I am very fond of reading aloud to you from these novels. I'm very fond of reading out passages.
I noticed that lots of students here use numbers when they refer to their courses, classes or buildings.
As I handed them to him, I noticed that one had been torn in half and fixed with a piece of blue paper.
VOA: special.2009.01.17
Well, the first thing that I noticed, they have been going wrong for a while.
However,I noticed several of them carried devices that looked very much like rifles.
VOA: special.2010.07.17
And I hope, as you are reading, you notice that chapter opening where once again Dean appears at the door when Sal shows up, and he's totally naked.I hope you noticed that. It's the third time that we see that so there is an eroticism between them.
I noticed that a lot of women in London have red hair.
Quite a few things that I've noticed while being out here.
I've noticed that people here dress in a very interesting way.
I noticed that there are tons of tourists here in London.
I've noticed that there are many Indians in Brick Lane.
I've just noticed that you're wearing a t-shirt that says 'ARMY' on the front.
They are talking about abstract intellectual ideas, often religious or philosophical ones, and that, plus its setting: I hope you noticed the sort of New Havenish setting of Franny's breakdown.