To enter God's realm requires imitation of God or imitatio dei, right, an idea that I put up here, imitatio dei: imitation of god.
And even though it's an imitation, in many ways, the machine that we've developed can operate more than we can ourselves.
The remains and records of these strongholds make it clear that the political organization was an imitation of oriental monarchy.
But the introduction, "You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy"--being holy in imitation of God is emphasized repeatedly as the purpose of the laws in the Holiness Code especially.
It looks like a leaf. It is nature in its aesthetic form as imitation of itself, life as an imitation of life.
It's to admit that this is in fact a late epic and that it derives from a close, studious, student-like imitation of the great epics of Homer and Virgil.
The Bank of Japan was established in imitation of the Bank of England in 1882.
Well, in Frost's case, as I'm suggesting, there's often very skillful and complex imitation going on between Frost's sounds and what he's imaging or describing or the actions and events in the poem.
True godliness means imitation of God, the exercise of one's power In a manner that is godlike, good, life-affirming and so on.
As God is to humanity, humans in imitation of God are towards their domesticated animals."
Whatever the actual origin of these various dietary taboos, they are here embedded in a larger ideological framework concerning the need for the Israelites to separate themselves and to be holy like their god. The dietary laws are connected then with this theme of imitatio dei, of imitation of God.