The only thing that matters is the salvation of the incorporeal, the bodiless soul, but Milton is so unorthodox, or at least heterodox, in his insistence on the importance of the body in this poem.
The heaven in this poem is so far from being the incorporeal - the spiritual heaven of orthodox Christianity that you have an image of an actual orgy, the festal orgy raging under the thyrsus .
So, to summarize, in Genesis 1, The view of god is that there is one supreme god, who is creator and sovereign of the world, who simply exists, who appears to be incorporeal, And for whom the realm of nature is separate and subservient.
This is how this logic goes -- we are all familiar with this: our body remains to molder in the earth or welter in the ocean , but our incorporeal spirit rises to heaven where it can enjoy an ethereal, a bodiless, world of eternity.