For his mathematical project, he compared two ways to estimate the square root of an integer, a number with no fractional parts.
VOA: special.2011.03.24
Because I might have written some code in which I'm expecting that integer particular variable to have an integer value.
You've got a picture of somebody's face, it's a million pixels. Each pixel has a range of values from zero to 256. I want to hash a face with some function into an integer.
4 So even if the correct mathematical answer is 1.4 or whatever, when you divide an int by an int, you only have room in that variable, in the response for an actual integer.
Bohr said that the angular momentum, mvr where n is this integer counter h over 2 pi.
And unlike n, l can start all the way down at 0, and it increases by integer value, so we go 1, 2, 3, and all the way up.
There's no decimal point; there's no point zero; there's no floating point value, it's just a hardcoded integer.
Let me generalize this. In this case, my incrementer was just adding 1 to an integer, it's a pretty straightforward thing to do.
Suppose I want to find all the divisors of some integer, I want to figure out what all the divisors are that go evenly into it.
So at the very top, I've coded up the same thing as before: "Give me an integer between one and ten," or rather, -- "give me an integer between one and ten" -- a little different this time.
> Okay. Well, this code allocates a new integer pointee and this part sets x to point to it.
I give it some character. It gives me back an integer representing. It looks weird.
I'm going to write a function to compute integer power exponents.
So with an integer, an int data type, you can store any number between 0 and 4 billion roughly.
Right, It's just squaring an integer, is what it's doing.
It's doing integer division.
Pick an integer, somebody.
So, for example: in this case, my list is a bunch of integers. And one of the things I could take advantage of, is I'm only going to need a finite amount of space to represent an integer.
So for example, I can say, what are all the methods associated with the number,or the integer 1?
And then, if I want to find out if something's there, I do the same thing. But notice now, hash is converting the input into an integer.
I'd like an integer please, a colon, and a space just for aesthetic reasons.
If you want to output an integer or other types as we'll see.
So hopefully there is indeed a way to fix this, but it looks as though the division operator, the single slash is division but -- and here's a curiosity about many programming languages -- because 17 is an integer and because 13 is an integer, why do I say that?
Give me an integer between 1 and 10."
So I'd like an integer please.
All right, first question. What values of x does it terminate? Again, assume x is an integer.
n It takes discrete values, multiples of some integer n, and the multiplication factor is the ratio of the Planck constant divided by 2 pi where n takes one, two, three and so on.
I print out -- and this is only wrapping - because of the big font -- I print out, "I demand that you give me a positive integer."
I demand that you give me a positive integer.
Right, that divide is, if x is an integer and two is an integer, what's it going to do?