This is a distinction which is not meant sort of counter-intuitively to suggest that somehow or another, as opposed to what we usually think, writing precedes speech--not at all.
It just throws the decimal point away and that's because, again, these are ints and the answer intuitively should be a floating point value, but I need to be more specific.
This intuitively should make a lot of sense, because we know we're trying to minimize electron repulsions to keep things in as low an energy state as possible, so it makes sense that we would put one electron in each orbital first before we double up in any orbital.
And just intuitively, when might you need to put a backslash in front of a double quote given the examples we've seen thus far?
Well, if intuitively the problem is the result of dividing an int by an int, surely a solution is: "Don't do that," right?
But if intuitively, you just have a sense of what the problem is.