- Well, just a moment ago, we did have -- -- and this time I'll use some chalk here -- a moment ago, we did have a picture depicting what was going on when you call the function.
And then as soon as the function returns, you kinda have to unwind but remember where you were just a moment ago.
We'll talk about whether food can be addictive, as I mentioned just a moment ago.
This Cambridge History of Food talks about three separate primary phases in human food evolution: one beginning a million and a half years ago, another about 700,000 years ago, and then the 10,000 year ago one that I talked about just a moment ago.
Well, again, just as I said verbally a moment ago, if you're going here, you're literally touching, trying to read or change memory that's beyond the boundaries of a chunk of memory that you're supposed to be touching based on its length.
So, at the very top of the file I'm just copying and pasting what was essentially on the slide a moment ago.
If I go back to that code from a moment ago, and I just rerun math3, notice how many places printed after the decimal point -- two?
And so when you start to poke around the puzzle pieces, you see that it can say things, we'll see movement in just a moment and sound and so forth, but at the end of the day, this is just like the program we used a moment ago for the sock exercise where we just hold Philip a step after step after step, do this, do this, do that, and yet, here too, we already see an opportunity for that thing we called the loop.
We've seen this branching construct in Scratch, we've seen it a moment ago on the slide, and see, we just need else if to use not an else, not just an if but an else if.
So, main meanwhile is going to change, but let's fast forward to the end just to confirm that all I did was copy and paste what was on the slide a moment ago.