As people's weights get high -I'm sorry let's go back here, got a little trigger happy here -as weights go high, from left to right you see the risk of Diabetes gets really very high.
So if you've ever seen or used an old school typewriter, you might recall that when you're typing something out on an old mechanical typewriter, - when you like hit the char-- when you hit the enter key to move the head back to the left hand side to the next line or you would pull down some lever, it was really a two part process.
And here, this is Marianne being martyred by the French provisional government, and in the back is the-- is it the dawning of the social republic of the Left, that is these ordinary people who have fought so long and so hard.
So I want to go back again, now we're considering the line on the board as being flavor in beer, or location in a town, and I want to go back to politics now and go back to the interpretation we started with, so that left and right will end up being left-wing politics versus right-wing politics.