French actress Marion Cotilliard plays Mal,which means "bad" in French.
VOA: standard.2010.07.20
And this report also mentioned that half of...almost half of India's children 3 to 5 years...under 3 to 5 years old are mal-nourished? -Yes.
Both people would rather be at an equilibrium than to be mal-coordinated or uncoordinated, but Player 1 wants to go to Bourne ultimatum and Player 2 wants to go to Good Shepherd, and actually I thought Nina's strategy there was pretty good.
First, let's talk about malnutrition. Now usually that concept gets used to talk about too little nutrition, but in fact, if you consider mal to mean poor rather than too little, and poor nutrition can really get manifested as under-nutrition, over-nutrition, or just unhealthy eating in general.