Shielding is the term that's used, it brings up a certain image in our mind, and even though that's not precisely what's going on, it's a very good way to visualize what we're trying to think about here.
Are not these aristocratic goals of honor and glory ? precisely what Machiavelli seems to be advocating?
nd this convergence can never be precisely pinpointed, but must always remain virtual, as is not to be identified either with the reality of the text or with the individual disposition of the reader."
And yet, it seems to me that there are many activities, and if not many at least several activities, that people do precisely for that reason.
They are not concerned about interpretation because to them, good writing is precisely writing that's clear, writing that doesn't need to be interpreted but has precisely as its virtue its transparency of meaning.
There it wouldn't be possible to invoke an intention because the whole complication of Derrida is precisely to raise the question about not knowing, not being able to voice the differance between difference and differance and not knowing whether Archie is right or whether Edith is right.