We're going to assume that everybody knows the possible strategies everyone else could choose and everyone knows everyone else's payoffs.
So again, I'm not claiming these are the only other possible payoffs, but just another possibility to look at.
You chose Alpha; I'm assuming these were roughly your payoffs, more or less, you were caring about your grades.
Because I thought the payoffs - the two different payoffs that I could have gotten-- were highest if I chose Alpha.
The payoffs are lower, Okay. So here's an abbreviated version of that, I mean it's perhaps a little bit longer.
Finally, let's do it in green, let's look at the payoffs, the expected payoffs if I shoot to the right.
If these are my payoffs I should go ahead and choose Alpha because that way I end up getting 3.
No, but the pay, the way they value, the way of valuing each-- Okay, so the payoffs may be different.
We change the payoffs, we change what people cared about, and we get a very different game with a very different outcome.
Not just talking about it, but actually changing the outcomes actually and changing the payoffs, changing the incentives.
That may or may not work -- I'm not optimistic -- but at least it's the same idea. We're changing payoffs.
Now we have payoffs that can really switch the question to a normative question: what should you do?
These are roughly... Well, let me put up the payoffs for this game and then I'll explain them.
We need to give a little bit more structure on the payoff before I get to the payoffs.
This has outcomes in it, it's an outcome matrix, but it isn't a game, because for a game we need to know payoffs.
So we can't really start analyzing a game until we know what people care about, and until we know what the payoffs are.
And let's start by considering my payoffs on this picture, just to help myself a bit, let me put some points in here.
A contract is more then communication, a contract is communication with teeth. It actually changes the payoffs.
My payoffs are going to be evil-git payoffs, so they come from the matrix up there.
However, once we know what your payoffs are, once we know what your goals are, perhaps Game Theory can you help you get there.
So I promised a while ago now, that we were going to come back and look at this game under some other possible payoffs.
So here are their payoffs and once again the basic structure of the game hasn't changed.
It's much easier to figure out my own payoffs than to figure out my opponent's payoffs.
And what we're going to do today is analyze this game under both those possible payoffs.
So here are the payoffs: Let's just map the notation we just developed into this game.
So the basic lesson is that payoffs matter, but let me say it a different way.
While we're here, let's just mention that things will get more complicated in a world where I don't actually know the payoffs of my opponent.
So it could be--From Hannibal's point of view he doesn't know which pass you're going to defend, but let's have a look at his payoffs.
On the vertical axis I'll put two vertical axes in, just for the sake of things on the vertical axis I'll put my expected payoffs.
These are people--people with these payoffs are people who only care about their own grades.