The platonic idea of justice concerns harmony, he tells us, both harmony in the city and harmony in the soul.
All this stuff, hungering after pleasure, all this stuff gets in the way of thinking about the Platonic forms.
Hughes tells us that Milton's thinking of Plato and that the Elder Brother is referring to the platonic theory that the noble spirit is released from the body after death.
We can say today that this university is a direct ancestor of the platonic republic of Plato's Academy.
Plato's idea is that if we start doing enough metaphysics, we can see there must be this realm of Platonic ideas, Platonic forms.
Ordinary material objects of this world can partake of the various Platonic forms, but they should not be confused with the Platonic forms.
The world is constantly rolling-- this is a Platonic expression-- rolling between one form and the other.
Those of you who would like to know more about it, I recommend reading more Platonic dialogues or taking a class in ancient philosophy.
Things like the platonic form are eternal, and their eternal changeless, indestructible because they are simple.
We see Socrates addressing, the only time in any platonic dialogue, an audience of this size.
So Platonic metaphysics gives us premise number one-- that ideas, forms, are eternal and they're non-physical.
Ordinary objects in the world participate to a greater or lesser degree in the Platonic forms.
Scholars distinguish between the early Platonic dialogues, the so-called Socratic dialogues, where the thought is, those are the views of Socrates, the actual historical figure.
A further point that distinguishes the empirical world from this-- this realm of Platonic ideal objects-- is that indeed they-- there's something perfect about them.
So the Platonic metaphysics says quite generally, if we're thinking about the ideas or the forms, the point to grasp is they're eternal; they're non-physical.
So the number two, the numbers, three, whatever it is, whatever they are, are these Platonic abstract entities that don't exist in space and time.
Even the Platonic just city will have to cultivate warrior citizens who are prepared to risk life in battle for the sake of their own city.
In many ways, the Crito, in some respect, is the platonic dialogue about piety.
What mathematicians are doing is using their mind to think about these Platonic ideas of mathematics.
But the Platonic forms, as we also know, are not to be found in this world.
And we bump up against, we look at, we have interactions with these everyday objects and, somehow, they get us thinking about the Platonic forms themselves.
Unlike most of you, Aristotle did not spend four years at the Platonic Academy.
Now, Plato points out that we all know things about the Platonic forms.
And so we don't have a very good grasp of the Platonic forms.
In contrast, the mind is able to grasp the Platonic ideas, the Platonic forms; and they're stable, they're reliable, they are-- they're law-like and we can grasp them.
It's as though the ordinary earthly objects, we bump into them or they bump into us, and they get us to look upwards to the heavenly Platonic realm.
In any case, Aristotle returned to Athens later on and established a school of his own, a rival to the Platonic Academy " that he called the Lyceum.
All of these things are, as philosophers nowadays call them, Platonic forms.
He says, "These things remind us of the Platonic forms."